Auto Emergencies can happen without notice or warning. Be prepared with our Ready America Roadside Essential Kit which contain critical supplies for an automotive emergency. Kit includes needed basic supplies such as jumper cables, first aid kit, a multi-tool, and emergency lighting plus more! Convenient carry bag has ample room so you can add more auto repair supplies so you can customize your kit. Roadside Essentials Kit Contents: (1) Booster Cables (12 Foot) (1) Multi-Tool with Case (1) First Aid Kit (33 Piece)* (2) Lightsticks (8-Hour) (1) Roll of Duct Tape (2) Gloves, Nitrile (1) Survival Blanket (1) Emergency Banner (5) 12 Inch Tie-Wraps (1) Convenient Carry Case *First Aid Kit Contents: (1) Plastic carry anywhere case, (1) First Aid Guide, (6) 3/4″ x 3″ Adhesive Bandages, (10) 3/8″ x 1-1/2″ Junior Bandages, (1) 1-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ Patch Bandage, (1) Large Butterfly Wound Closure, (4) Alcohol Cleansing Wipes, (2) Antiseptic Cleansing Wipes, (1) Antibiotic Ointment Pack, (2) Ibuprofen Tablets, (2) Extra-Strength Non-Aspirin Tablets, (2) Aspirin Tablets